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Image by Markus Spiske

Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing 

Forest Bathing, adapted from the Japanese practice of "Shinrin-yoku', is a structured practice that helps you to slow down, engage your senses and immerse yourselves in nature. The benefits to our health range from improved immune function, cardiovascular and respiratory health, to reduced stress and depression. Beyond physical health, many who practice Forest Bathing regularly also experience increased creativity and also clarity about who they are and how they are meant to serve the world. 


At Kindred Forest

We offer Forest Bathing experiences for both Personal Retreats (individuals and small groups) and as an experience that can be added to your Group Rental. Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Jo Pang, and founder of Nature Wise, is our resident guide and will work with you to tailor the experience to suit your needs. 


Experiences generally last around 2 hours.



Forest Bathing Testimonials

"This is a different way to experience nature through your senses and mindfully, distinct from hiking or exercise-based activities. You may experience wonder, awe, and whimsy as many of us did today!"

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